Frequently Asked Questions


If you have been referred to mediation you may find answers to your questions below.

The Judge has referred me to mediation,  what happens next?

If you have been referred to VORP,   you probably met with a CMS Program Coordinator who explained the program when you met with your probation officer. If you did not then please call our office (865-463-6888) to discuss your case.  If you have met with the Program Coordinator the next step will be to meet with the mediator and your parent(s) for a pre-meeting. The mediator will contact you to set up a time and location that is convenient for you.
If you have been referred to Teen and Parent Mediation (TPM) or have requested TPM, a CMS staff person will contact you to schedule the initial interview in our office , located in Room 115 at the Anderson County Court House. Both parents and teen must be present.  These meetings will take place between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday and will last approximately 1.5 hours.
If you have been referred to Visitation Mediation , a CMS staff person will contact you  to schedule your initial interview. Each parent is interview separately Please arrange for care for your child (ren). This meetings will take place in the CMS office room 115 in the Anderson County Court House between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday and last approximately 1.5 hours.

If you have been referred to our Attendance Mediation Program, a CMS staff person will contact you  to schedule your initial interview. The parent that will be attending mediation and the child must be present.  Please arrange for care for your younger child (ren). This meetings will take place in the CMS office room 115 in the Anderson County Court House after school.  Monday through Friday and last approximately 1.5 hours. The actual mediation will take place at the school during school hours.

How much does mediation cost?

There is no charge for any mediation.  Visitation mediation require a $30 administrative fee to be paid at the time of the initial interview by all participants.

Where will the initial interview take place?

The initial interview for TPM, AMP and Visitation mediation will take place in the CMS office room 115 in the Anderson County Court House

What is a pre-meeting?

VORP mediation requires a pre-meeting between the teen, the parents and the mediator. The mediator will also meet separately with the other parties involved. The purpose of the pre-meeting is to explain the process in detail, answer any questions and prepare the participants for what will take place in mediation.

Who are the mediators and what training do they have?

The mediators are community volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. Each mediator receives 12-15 hours of basic training and an additional 20 hours program specific training. After training is complete each mediator participates in an apprenticeship period with an experienced mediator. Each mediator is screened by our staff, processed through a criminal background checks and required to present character references before being allowed to mediate.

Can I bring a support person with me to mediation?

You may bring a support person or an attorney to the mediation but in most situations they will be asked to remain outside the mediation room. You may request breaks to consult with them as needed. Please let your mediators or the CMS staff know that a support person or attorney will be coming with you so accommodation may be made for them at mediation.

What happens after mediation?

Depending on which program as to what takes places after mediation.  You may want to read the section specific to your mediation program. Generally, in VORP the agreement is sent back to the judge for approval and the teen must fulfill the agreement before the case is closed. In Visitation the parenting plans is returned to the judge for approval. If it is approved it becomes a legal document and both parties must follow the plan.

How long will mediation take?

Mediation can take up to 2.5 hours. In TPM the parties may request additional mediation sessions if they feel it will be beneficial, in visitation the mediators or parties may request an additional mediation session in particularly detailed cases. VORP mediation is usually completed within 1.5 hours and does not require additional sessions.

Does CMS accept self-referrals?

Yes, CMS does accept self-referral for TPM and AMP . Please contact our office for more information. 865-463-6888

If you have questions not answered here feel free to call our office.
