Community Mediation Services (CMS) is a 501 ( c) (3) mediation center serving the citizens of Anderson County, Tennessee. CMS was the first mediation center in Tennessee and has been instrumental in helping others establish mediation centers throughout the state.
Having touched the lives of thousands of people in 38 years, we are still the only mediation center in Anderson County. We are volunteer driven with currently 20 volunteer mediators from all walks of life. Our board is diverse with members whose professions range from a retired city planner, to a botanist, to a finance officer. Furthermore, 100% of our board supports the organization with financial contributions. We are honored to come along side organizations like CASA of the Tennessee Heartland, and the Center for Strong Communities, as we collaborate on various projects that affect our community.
Founded in 1986, CMS currently administers four mediation programs aimed at assisting people to find their own peaceful solution to their conflicts. All programs are provided free of charge and are mediated by trained volunteers. VORP was our original program focusing on mediation between first time juvenile offenders of non-violent crimes and their victims. In 1993, the Access and Visitation Mediation Program was added as a way for never-married parents who are separating to establish a parenting plan that allows both parents to have input into their child’s life. In 1998, the Teen and Parent Mediation Program (TPM) was added as a means for at-risk youth and their parents to establish a dialogue in an effort to work toward their own solutions for family issues. The newest program is Attendance Mediation addressing truancy issues.
CMS is an equal opportunity employer.
No one will ever be denied services or discriminated against based on disability, race, age, religion, sex or national origin.